Whether you are an entrepreneur with a small business or a multinational/regional company it is important that you protect the company’s balance sheet from unforeseen and unexpected Liability Risks. Casualty (or Liability) Insurance covers the various liabilities that may affect your business. A customer slips and falls; an employee gets injured; you forgot to carry the one – there are insurance solutions available for all these risks. Let us help you find them!

Public / Products Liability

Every business that interacts with the public should effect this policy. This policy covers your legal liability to third parties for damage or death to individuals and/or damage to property.

If you produce products for public consumption (e.g. a manufacturer or a restaurant) you should also extend your policy to include Products Liability.

Goods In Transit

If you distribute or manufacture goods and deliver them to your Clients this policy is right for you. Your delivery vehicle(s) might be insured but what happens if your goods are stolen or damaged while en route to your Client? This policy covers those risks. (for export, import and cargo handling risks to your goods please see Marine Cargo / Stock Throughput)

Directors’ & Officer’s Liability

Directors and Officers are vitally important to the day-to-day operations of any company and should therefore protect their personal assets from anyone or entity from alleging that a wrongful act was committed.

Employer’s Liability

Employer’s liability insurance protects your business when an employee sues over a work injury or illness. It covers legal defense costs when an employee blames your business’s negligence for their injury or illness. Those costs could include lawyer fees, court fees, and paying a settlement or judgment.

Employment Practices Liability

This policy will cover wrongful employment acts (e.g. sexual harassment) committed, attempted or alleged to have been committed or attempted by or on behalf of an employee of the company.

Kidnap & Ransom Insurance

Many organizations lack the resources and personnel to quickly and professionally respond to threatening situations. A Kidnap and Ransom policy provides protection against a variety of security risks including threats and extortions against people, property and propriety information.